Monday, November 3, 2014


The project is still making progress but I can definitely tell I'm tired. I lost about 8 weeks during the summer due to my sideline business but my customers were extremely patient with me. After all the rough ins were complete I was at a crossroad. Do I hang my drywall or hire a pro. After lots of talking it over we decided to hire a pro for my drywall. We felt the pro could help us make up lost time and we knew the finish would be great. I've done my share of drywall finishing and can make it look good but I'm really SLOW.  My wife says it's because I'm
We used rounded corners and it looks really nice. We've since painted the main level and installed trim and hung the doors and were so excited being able to see the hard work pay of and see the finish line....I'll post more as soon as I can 

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