Monday, November 3, 2014

HVAC Rough In

My father in law is an outstanding HVAC tech and been in the field for over 30 years. However he is not expierenced with super tight energy efficent ICF building and wanted me to find an engineer to spec and design the system. I first used an engineer from our HVAC supply house and he planned a system. It was clear to see he did not understand my type of building envelope and the system would have been WAY oversized which is one of the worst things that can happen to a home.  I spent countless hours reading reports and studies of ICF HVAC systems.  I contacted EnergyWise Structures and made the agreement with them to design my system. They provided a very detailed blueprint and it seemed very logical. They guarantee my energy bills for 2 years also if I built the system to they're specs. We ended up going with a 2 stage variable speed heat pump with a gas backup. The gas backup in reality should never come on but we needed some sort of back up. The heating loads and cooling loads on this home are extremely low. We choose a Nordyne system and mounted horizontal for better air duct design. After installation we did have some balance issues between the floors but we have since dialed it in buy a design modification that my father in law and I came up with. So far the system is working well but I can't wait to get drywall up and make sure the system works as designed. I'll try find better pics of system and post later.

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